Weekly inflation accelerates to 0.2% - Rosstat. What are the reasons?

Consumer prices in Russia rose by 0.2% from May 18 to 24, 2021, the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) reported. During the previous week (May 12-17), inflation was 0.1%.
Consumer prices have risen 0.5% since the beginning of May and 3.2% since the beginning of the year.

In May 2020, prices rose by 0.3% and by 2.4% YTD.

Average daily inflation since the beginning of May was 0.02%.


Between May 18 and May 24, 2021. prices rose: for buckwheat groats - by 0.7%, boiled sausage, soft candies glazed with chocolate - by 0.6%, pork, lamb, margarine, caramel - by 0.5%, sausages, wieners, frozen fish, canned meat, cookies, vodka, lunches in dining rooms, cafes, snack bars (except dining rooms in organizations) - by 0, 3%, beef, butter, fat cottage cheese, sour cream, canned vegetables for baby food, black tea, vermicelli, pasta - by 0.2%, canned meat, fruit and berry, dried milk mixtures for baby food, rye bread, wheat flour, salt - by 0.1%.

Prices for sunflower oil on average in Russia rose by 0.5%. In 28 regions, prices rose by 0.1-0.5%, in 13 regions - by 0.6-0.9%, in 11 regions - by 1.0-3.2%. In 28 subjects, prices remained unchanged. In five subjects, prices decreased by 0.1-1.2%.

The prices for chicken meat went up by 0.2% on average, including 0.1-0.5% in 28 regions, by 0.6-0.9% in 8 regions and by 1.0-3.4% in 9 regions. In 10 subjects, prices did not change. In 24 subjects, prices for chicken meat decreased by 0.1-0.9%,

in 6 subjects - by 1.0-1.7%.

Prices for granulated sugar rose by 0.1% on average in Russia, at the same time, in 19 regions prices rose by 0.1-0.5%, in 8 regions - by 0.6-0.9%, in 5 regions - by 1.0-2.0%. In 30 subjects, prices remained unchanged. In 19 regions the prices for granulated sugar decreased by 0.1-0.9%, in 4 regions - by 1.0-1.4%.

Hen eggs fell by 2.3% on average across the country, including in 13 regions by 0.1-0.9%, in 20 regions by 1.0-2.3%, in 22 regions by 2.4-4.9%, in 14 regions by 5.0-15.7%. Prices did not change in four subjects. In nine regions the prices of eggs rose by 0.1-0.9%, in three regions - by 1.0-2.1%.

Prices for fruits and vegetables on average remained unchanged. However, cabbage prices have gone up by 7.0%, carrots - by 5.2%, potatoes - by 3.8%, onions - by 2.5% and apples - by 0.1%. Prices of cucumbers decreased by 8.2%, tomatoes - by 3.5%.

Whole pasteurized drinking milk and rice have fallen in price by 0.1%.

The prices for smoked and cooked smoked sausage, hard and soft cheeses, sterilized milk, bread and rolls of wheat flour (1st and 2nd grades) and millet remained unchanged.


In the group of observed medicines the following went up in price: Corvalol - by 0.7%, multivitamins without minerals domestic - by 0.6%, Validol - by 0.4%, Sodium metamizole (Analgin domestic) - by 0.3%, Levomecol - by 0.2%, Bromhexin and Nimesulide - by 0.1%. Prices for allochol decreased by 0.3%, combined analgesics, multivitamins with macro- and microelements - by 0.1%.

Consumer goods

Of the remaining non-food products the following went up in prices: floor electric vacuum cleaners - by 0.9%, televisions, cigarettes with filter domestic - 0.6%, women's pantyhose, T-shirts, T-shirts for men and children - by 0.3%, sports suits for children, socks for men, sneakers for adults - by 0.2%, new cars of foreign brands, socks and socks, sneakers for children - by 0.1%. The prices of new domestic cars did not change.

At the same time, shampoos have gone down in price by 0.4%, smartphones, jeans for children - by 0.1%.

Prices of gasoline and diesel fuel rose by 0.1%.


Prices for accommodations in hotels 1*-5* went up by 1.1% to 4.5%, in hostels - by 2.0%, vacation homes and resorts - by 0.9% and in sanatoriums - by 0.1%. Tariffs for housing and communal services and urban passenger transport services have not changed.

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