Important changes for cardholders in 2021 - what will change?

In 2021 there are five important changes for bank card holders. Some of them are already in force, so we suggest you review the innovations for all holders of plastic cards, including corporate clients.

The control over card operations is getting stricter.
We already knew about the amendments to the 115th law last year. Now banks are obliged to report to Rosfinmonitoring on the following operations of their clients:

opening of a deposit in the name of another person and a deposit tied to a bank card in the amount of 600 thousand rubles or more;

withdrawal of the same amount or crediting it to one's own bank card;

repayment to the card and the mobile telephone account of the sum of 100 thousand rubles and more, earlier paid as an advance payment for communication services;

Cash and non-cash payments in real estate transactions worth more than 3 million rubles: until recently the Federal Service monitored only the purchase, sale, exchange or rent, and now in the list of checks added rental, mortgage transactions, and commercial leasing of residential premises.

Upon receipt of information on such transactions, federal employees will check and, if there are signs of violations of the law, they will pass the information to law enforcement agencies.

It is believed that the new amendments will help identify corruption and illegal transactions. Therefore, individuals and legal entities need to carefully monitor payments and transfers by card, especially when it comes to large sums.

Personal income tax on interest on the card is introduced
From 2021 banks will inform the Federal Tax Service exactly how much interest "accrued" during the year the owners of bank cards. Income in excess of the nontaxable limit will be taxed at the rate of 13%. And all bank accounts and deposits, including card accounts, are added up.

The size of the limit is calculated according to the formula: 1 million rubles × the key rate of the Central Bank on January 1 of the reporting year. That is, in 2021 the limit will be 42.5 thousand rubles. (1 million × 4.25%).

An exception is made for ruble accounts and cards with an interest rate of less than 1%, as well as escrow accounts.

The reasons for blocking plastic cards are changing
From October 1 this year the signs by which banks will track suspicious transactions will change. In particular, the Central Bank decided to control the following situations:

from one gadget or PC transactions are made with the accounts of different individuals who are not relatives: if from one smartphone their savings are managed by husband and wife, then it is not a big deal, but if they are strangers, for example, the bank has the right to suspect financial fraud. This can happen if a sole proprietorship or legal entity uses the services of the same intermediary for financial transactions;

Bitcoins, electronic money and other digital currencies are bought from the bank card;

an entrepreneur transfers money from his r/s to his personal bank card: that is, if the card is opened in the name of citizen Ivanov I.I., the bank may block the transfer from the current account of I.I. Ivanov.

Lawyers point out that the list of suspicious transactions is quite long, while the wording is not specific enough. In addition, the Central Bank expressly states that the card can be blocked for other reasons not included in the list.

"The reasons for blocking are being unmasked.
However there is a positive change: from October 1 banks will have to notify the holder of the blocked card or account and describe the reasons for such operation.

At the moment financial institutions can block the accounts without any explanation. Of course, the notice won't help unfreeze the money in the account, but it will considerably simplify the procedure of appealing against the bank's wrongful decisions in court.

The remote issuance of cards with biometric data will be introduced
If you submitted your biometric data to the bank you can apply for a new card without visiting the financial institution. By the way, the state is responsible for storing this kind of information: starting this year banks will be obliged to send biometric data to the Unified Biometric System.

Biometrics is also available to corporate clients: people with the right to act on behalf of a company without a power of attorney will be able to use banking services remotely, including processing new bank cards.

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