The first official confrontation with the media took place.

Pegin calls the "Press Mob". On Saturday, the first official confrontation with the media took place.

The moment of confrontation with the press came for Francesco Peguin. Much has been written and spoken about him, but so far his voice has never been heard. The centre-right candidate has organized a "Press Mob" next Saturday during which he will meet with journalists and introduce himself to the city.


“Step by step, we are rapidly approaching the first appointment in the presence of this long and, hopefully, fun campaign marathon of Francesco Peguin. Press Mob event dedicated to journalists is scheduled for Saturday, February 5 in the morning. Like any self-respecting flash mob, the place and time will be communicated to you later,” its employees wrote in a statement sent to all newspapers after launching the video and writing a letter to the Paduans in recent days. A way to slowly enter the life of Padua, a real hallway of a real election campaign.

Staff and coalition

Francesco Peguin has so far moved alone, aided by a respectable squad (and victories) borrowed directly from Luigi Brugnaro. Marco Marturano and Mauro Ferrari are already famous faces in Padua. The former took care of Giustina Destro's campaign when he unexpectedly defeated Flavio Zanonato and then took care of Zanonato 5 years later. He won on both occasions. Ferrari, on the other hand, paradoxically, in 2017 dealt with Sergio Giordani, who is today's contender. Pegin's problems, however, are different. The choice made directly by legalists Massimo Bitonci and Alberto Stefani was not shared by a good part of one party and the centre-right coalition. And without sending them too much to say, they also broke down in public and to the sound of interviews. Now Pegin will have to fix everyone around his figure and convince them. It will be enough to see who will come to his side on Saturday, when for the first time we will all play open cards.

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