Blockchain ios

The growth of blockchain popularity did not go unnoticed by app developers for iOS and Android. Almost every day there are emerging apps that allow you to store and earn cryptocurrency, receive useful news of the blockchain network and be aware of the current prices. Here is the top-10 blockchain iphone app, which are in demand among users. 

1. BitWallet app 

BitWallet is a convenient wallet for cryptocurrency, which stores user's coins, displays the balance on the account, exchange rates, history of operations and so on. If you want to start earning by mining or investing in cryptocurrency, it is worth downloading the iOS app and setting up the storage. Features of BitWallet: 

  • There is no need to register or enter personal data (the store is tied to the iphone). 
  • Private keys and Bitcoin addresses are protected. 
  • It is possible to create several wallets with different addresses. 
  • You can make payments from your iphone. 
  • You can create a SegWit address, which reduces transaction costs. 
  • Iphone notifications on operations. 
  • Checking the balance and price of Bitcoin in different currencies. 
  • No additional payment. 

2. Bitcoin Ticker app 

This program is suitable for people who need up-to-date information on Bitcoin exchange rates. The information is sent as iphone free messages. Bitcoin Ticker reflects the value of virtual money in relation to many currencies. Optionally, you can adjust the program settings. The point of the app is to process information coming from the world's largest exchanges, such as Bit2c, Bitonic, CaVirtex, Okcoin, Therocktrading, etc. Updates are put up every minute, which guarantees the accuracy of Bitcoin rates on the iOS device. 

3. Coinbase Bitcoin Wallet app 

With the popularization of blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies holders had a dilemma - where to store virtual coins. Developers created the app for such very purpose. In addition to the Blockchain iOS storage, it has a number of useful characteristics: 

  • A convenient design, thanks to which it takes very little time to send the cryptocurrency. 
  • Easy account verification. 
  • Sending/receiving as well as scanning QR-codes. 
  • Free of charge. 
  • Instant transactions through PayPal, bank cards or accounts. 

4. Bitcoin Free app 

The Free Bitcoin app is a free game where you can earn cryptocurrency. A user is shown  a 5x5 field, which shows numbers (satoshi) from 50 to 5,000. The prize is randomly generated once an hour. If you would play every day for 8 hours, daily earnings would be from 400 to 40,000 Satoshi; monthly - from 12,000 to 1.2 million Satoshi. In fact, real income rarely exceeds 200,000 Satoshi a month. To get started, you need to enter the number of your Bitcoin wallet and payments will be made once a week when the balance reaches the amount of 20,000 Satoshi. Consider combining entertainment with a bit of earning Bitcoin on your iphone. 

5. Bitcoin Mining Simulator app 

The Bitcoin mining simulator for iOS was created just for fun. After you install it, you can begin to mine cryptocurrency, construct a farm and raise your earnings. The downside is that the process of mining cryptocurrency and coins is purely make-belief so it will be impossible to transfer them to the real account. You can put in and use real money in the account to develop the farm. The advantage of the program is the opportunity to pretend being a miner without buying expensive equipment. Immediately after installation, the player has a small farm with only one video card. The player's task is to create a data center and earn a million virtual dollars. It is worth remembering that this is not a full Bitcoin mining service for iOS but a simple game for entertainment.  


This is a simple but convenient app that helps you in your daily life and shows the nearest point for Bitcoin payment or places to cash out cryptocurrency. After downloading the map, the user is guided by special icons indicating certain parts of the map. 

Advantages of BITCOMAP: 

  • Reliability. 
  • Accuracy. 
  • It supports all types of establishments - shops, bars, ATMs and so on. 
  • The app is useful when traveling abroad, especially if cryptocurrency reception points are more widespread. 
  • No extra charges. 

7. Bitcoin Cash Wallet iphone app 

The Bitcoin Cash Wallet is a solution for people who need to store cryptocurrency. This is a reliable Bitcoin wallet for iOS, which is designed for the new currency Bitcoin Cash (Bitcoin's fork). Features of Bitcoin Cash Wallet: 

  • You can add different currencies to the storage with receiving BCH/BCC. 
  • The presence of a PIN.  
  • Registration on Google +, Facebook, phone number or email. 
  • QR code support. 
  • Access to the wallet from any phone. 
  • Email notification about the balance change. 
  • Multilanguage mode. 

8. Gliph app 

The Gliph app is a free messenger and an online marketplace where the main payment medium is Bitcoin. Alternatively, you can use cash. Features of the application for iOS Gliph: 

  • You are able to stay in touch with people through a chat room that has special protection. 
  • It connects the program to the Bitcoin wallet. 
  • High level of privacy and security. 
  • You can set up groups and send messages to a specific community. 
  • Sale and purchase of goods/services without a third party or an intermediary service. 

9. Blockchain - Bitcoin Wallet iphone app  

Blockchain app is a digital wallet designed to store cryptocurrency. The number of users exceeds 17 million people. The BitWallet wallet uses advanced technologies to encrypt the storage using AES-256, which guarantees the security of the cryptocurrency. Additional security is provided by deleting the wallet information from the app memory and by encrypting iCloud Backup before transfer. Some of the main blockchain Bitcoin wallet features are: 

  • Users can conduct transactions. 
  • Sending and receiving two cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin and Etherium). 
  • Control of personal funds. 
  • Secure access to cryptocurrency. 
  • Two-factor authentication, which guarantees protection from fraud. 
  • Installing a PIN. 

10. GreenAddress Bitcoin Wallet app for iOS 

GreenAddress Bitcoin Wallet is a multi-platform wallet for Bitcoin operations, which is highly confidential, safe and easy to use. Characteristics of the GreenAddress Bitcoin Wallet are: 

  • Backup using Mnemonics BIP39. 
  • 2FA by e-mail, message or phone. 
  • Multiloop systems between the server and a user, which guarantees a high level of security. 
  • Quick transaction confirmation. 
  • Possibility of money return through nLochTime. 


We have reviewed the top-10 most popular Bitcoin iOS apps. Some of them are wallets, cranes, games and even services for buying goods with Bitcoins. You might find them useful to withdraw, store and do other manipulations with cryptocurrency. 

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