Looking for honest brokers together with Apollofinances scam detection tips

Apollo Finances scam

Apollofinances broker
Apollofinances reviews

All honest brokers have some necessary parameters. If you know them, you will not fall for scam.

How to determine if it’s a scam in front of you or a bona fide company that will help you make money on trading? When you hear so often about people losing money, it seems that finding an honest platform is very difficult.

According to Apollofinances scam is a bit overvalued and not so common, because there are still many honest brokers than fraudsters. However, the percentage of scammers has grown exponentially since the pandemic put people in front of the need to make money online. One of the most promising areas is investing and trading, making money on the price difference in the Forex currency market, as well as in other types of markets (stocks, indices, raw materials). Anyone who decides to invest at least $250 in this can become an investor today. Seeing how popular the services of foreign exchange and stockbrokers are, fraudsters began to rise.

But do not despair, because you can identify dishonest "intermediaries" literally at a glance. To do this, you need to know the signs of honest brokerage companies.


Apollofinances as an example of an honest brokerage company

To prepare this article, we used the results of monitoring carried out by Apollofinances.com scam department: fraud in the Forex market became the main topic of the study.

You can contact the company's employees by phone or e-mail, get complete information about trading, online earnings, the latest trends and forecasts. You can also learn more about making money on stock exchanges and Forex, find info about types of analysis and the nearest economic trends directly on the website of Apollofinances.com.


Apollofinances.com: signs of honest brokers

First and main sign is that you can easily find the contacts of broker.
The company offers different formats of communication with managers and technical service.

Sites where only an e-mail form stands for communication should be alarming all the way from start. After all, there is no guarantee that the broker will reply to emails. You need to understand that a failure can happen at the time of the important deal. In addition, the client is legally entitled to receive full information about the services provided to him at any time. Therefore, you should pay attention to whether the company also provides a telephone number for communication.


Second sign: the legal address on the website.

Some brokers only exist on the Internet. The company may even have an official registration, but give a minimum of information on the website. This is wrong, because the client must understand where his broker's office is located, shall be able to contact him, and see the address on a map, like at Apollofinances.com.


Third sign: tariff plans are described clearly

Some brokers work with narrow audiences of clients (for example, only experienced traders making large deposits, or exclusively with newbies). This choice is made due to the company's experience in the market, its technical capabilities, etc.

Fourth sign: there is a trading risk warning

An honest company does not promise some mountains of gold, but seeks to convey to the client the knowledge of the foreign exchange market as of the risky investment, especially considering CFDs (leveraged trading). The company may have the means to provide generous leverage, but it depends only on the client whether he is ready to make risky offers and react to speculative trends. In any case, following the results of trading, client must fulfill the terms of cooperation, otherwise his transactions may be canceled, and the funds are blocked until the debt is closed.


Fifth sign: company documents are freely available

It is important that the terms of cooperation are as clear as possible even before the signing of the contract. To do this, you should look for a section with documentation on the site.


Sixth sign: client verification is required


Verification is the second step after regular registration. Just entering your details in form is quite enough to open a demo account or get an initial consultation. However, to start trading, you must go through full person identification.



The listed signs are enough to weed out most of the dubious brokers and choose an honest company to invest. According to Apollofinances.com scam website simply will not pass even such a small check, and the attentive attitude of the client will help save money.



The spreads are low here, so I immediately decided to invest a sufficient amount. I want to get the maximum profit. I plan to cooperate with this broker at least for a few months, maybe longer! Our cooperation has existed since May. So far, only good impressions. The service is excellent.

I am calm about my assets. I am sure that with this broker you can safely invest, participate in trading and get your profit. With such a competent approach, one can hope for maximum efficiency. Your skills are also absolutely important. It's just nice to have such a partner.

No complaints. Mistakes here are common for this market segment. Somewhere you lose a little, but there is always an opportunity to return. This broker works well, knows the market . I always rely primarily on my skills and experience. And flair. I need a broker to be more confident. Not all market trends can be seen, especially now. Due to the situation with the pandemic, the financial market is volatile. So I feel more confident with a broker.

personMartel 28.04.2021
I like scalping. Just trading is too boring and slow for me, and these guys does not impose such a restrictions on its clients. I trade daily. Almost all transactions get 10-15 minutes delay max. Not a single problem with it, so far.

personJohan 05.05.2021
Like this company for the possibility to talk to live people.

personSalvador 07.05.2021
Nothing so fascinating, but spreads are fine, overall terms and conditions are good. They still have their cons and pros though but I'm keeping my account here.

personLaletti 21.05.2021
After reading many positive customer reviews, I also decided to try trading. I am glad that right there on the site you can read analytics, ask a question to technical support.

personRobin 24.05.2021
This is my first company with which I just started working, several times tried to start working with other broker companies, purely out of interest, I might find something new and better for myself and, to be honest, I found something completely different from what I wanted, so I continued working with this company and now I realized that I don't want to change anything again.

personBrent 31.05.2021
I like the clear interface of the broker's official website, where you can easily find all the necessary information. For example, look at the economic calendar and find out what events are expected on the market in the near future. Recommend.

personChad Allen 09.06.2021
This place is great for technical analysis. You can view all the stats for a day, a week, a month, and there are so many customization options. I still haven’t figured everything out, and it’s been three months.

personAnthony Williams 10.06.2021
It’s been a pleasurable experience so far. The best things about this broker are fast withdrawals and polite and professional support team.

personDavid Young 11.06.2021
What I like about this company is that they have some of the lowest spreads on the market. And that’s great for trading – my 17% balance growth in last month confirms it.

personEdward Miller 15.06.2021
I’d had some bad experience before, so it was great to finally find a trustworthy broker. I definitely recommend these guys.

personDaniel Thompson 17.06.2021
I appreciate that this company has individual approach to every client. I’ve never seen such a great customer service before. Opened an account a month ago, haven’t encountered any problems yet.

personJohn Reynolds 25.06.2021
Forex market is going crazy right now, so it’s even more vital to choose the right company. I’m glad I found this one, it’s been a great experience.

personO’Brien’ Steven 02.07.2021
My assets are mostly metal related. I made the decision to change the broker when I learned that Apollofinances had static, fixed spreads. It is very convenient, in my opinion it is much more comfortable to work on them with deposits. Yes, and general reviews impressed me. There was no need to appeal in support of a special need, I only consulted a couple of times when I dealt with the installation and configuration of the MetaTrader 4 terminal. By the way, I didn’t get through the first attempt. But I wasn't not hanging on line for many minutes.

personPatrick Donald 06.07.2021
n early spring, I went to the broker Apollofinances. At once opened an account on the package 2000. In general, the choice of tariffs is not enough, but this package suited me completely. Why is this broker? it was praised by friends; they particularly noted the successful native analytics and the absence of a commission for depositing and withdrawing money. The recommendations were true. I earn steadily, there is still not enough money for a house by the sea, but there are prospects)))

personOsborne Howard 09.07.2021
Broker as a broker, works steadily, no unpredictable changes out of nowhere, trading conditions remain the same as those stated in the contract. To Apollofinances I moved from Alpari, on the advice of friends, they said that everything works faster here. What exactly is spelled out in the conditions are static spreads, there is no commission for depositing, there is also no withdrawal of money, but it can be banking. There are no tricks like the others have, there are only four packages, one terminal. I just have enough, a transparent system, excellent scalping, money is withdrawn quickly.

personCurtis August 17.07.2021
Had an unpleasant experience with brokers who started well, and then changed the conditions without warning and generally went into inadequate. Searched for info, listened to friends and opened an account in Apollofinances. My opinion, the broker fully understands what is what in the market and how to work with clients. The attitude of support is patient and respectful, answer all questions. Spreads are comfortable, fixed. The commissions on them are low, and there is no commission at all for input and output. I experimented with scalping, although this is not my method, but I was satisfied. Orders are processed quickly, without requotes and losses.

personSingleton Thomas 19.07.2021
I am not a fan of the Meta Trader platform, and this is the only thing that bothers and even strains me a little at Apollofinances. I know that this is the strongest platform, but without external help there a newbie will get bogged down. But we must pay tribute, the support is working incredibly hard, and the manual is given, and all questions on the phone are answered. For the rest, no complaints, everything suits me, all spreads, quotes, commissions. You can withdraw money in just half an hour or an hour, although once the application was processed for about an hour and a half, but an hour later the money went into the wallet.

personMason Leslie 20.07.2021
Somewhere in the spring I decided to open an account in BCS. Broke my mind. Could not even register. Some kind of continuous difficulties - scans, docks ... I abandoned this idea and went to Apollofinances. It turned out all very clear and simple. It took two minutes to register, replenished the account, uploaded scans, and the trade began automatically. I tinkered with MetaTrader4 for about seven minutes while downloaded and installed everything. By the way, I installed the platform both on a laptop and on a smartphone. Trading conditions are quite suitable. Spreads are fixed and the commission is only on them. No, of course, here, too, you need to fill out the paper, but only once and only when you want to withdraw profit for the first time. And this is not at the very beginning, or even BEFORE you have done anything at all.

personStrickland Edward 04.08.2021
Some guy in this comment thread was talking about his experience with Apollo Finances, does anyone remember his name? It was John Somebody or smth

personWarren Jacob 05.08.2021
Don’t care much about financial market activities, to be honest, but got some interest after Apollo Finances representative called me earlier this week. Is all this forex stuff really a good way to earn money?

personCasey Donald 07.08.2021
Apollo Finances looks strange, I don’t know. Are all brokers like that?

personShepherd David 11.08.2021
Apollo Finances? Yeah, I’ve heard something, though I’m not sure. Just doesn’t feel like my cup of tea, you know.

personHarvey Cameron 19.08.2021
I’m really excited about all those forex market possibilities, but still not sure about how do I choose a right broker for my needs. Thought about Apollo Finances, maybe these guys are worth a try?

personAdams Ronald 24.08.2021
So, ugh, thought recently about starting something in forex, you know, looking for a broker. What about these Apollo Finances dudes, anyone?

personBerry Daniel 03.09.2021
Forget bad experiences and start from the beginning. Do not risk any big buzz. Study the market gradually. The problem with New Lingen is that you want to achieve fantastic profits. But first you have to choose a strategy that matches your psychotype ...

personGray Gabriel 05.09.2021
I was already disappointed to act as a profession in general ... but then I turned on the advice of a friend to this broker. Now I earn money again with exchange rates.

personFitzgeraldц John 13.09.2021
This broker can convince you that the trade of your family brings real profits. Only you will not be convinced of his words, but from your actual win from every transaction!

personTucker Valentine 15.09.2021
Everything you see is true. The spreads are very low. No hidden fees. You will receive fair trade.

personCobb Anthony 16.09.2021
Here it is safe. For me, this is a key parameter. After burning myself in the scam, I became very, very careful when choosing the mediators for the trade.

personEdwards Joshua 19.09.2021
I decided to wait for the next global crisis on this platform. Here, trade without panic or manipulation continues. My manager stays with me anytime. I am confident.

personWard Ira 02.10.2021
At the moment I only wanted, I would have heard much earlier from this broker. After we started our cooperation, I had no second thoughts anymore and never wanted to look for another brokerage company. Yes, they are so good.

personHolmes Ethan 03.10.2021
Apollofinances was my first attempt to work with a broker, and it ran pretty well, except that the time of the answer was a bit too long, as if I could have liked it, both withdrawals and support messages.

personPatterson Adam 17.10.2021
I think you may overestimate your Apollofinances a bit. Yes, I know your cooperation conditions are really good, but it's no wonder to act with you, and you still have to learn a lot (you only allow META4 only.

personStephens Thomas 20.10.2021
The seven-month work with Apollofinances was fine, but then the whole thing started confused and I had to go. I can not name a single part of our cooperation that did not apply to me.

personNorton Charles 21.10.2021
Wow, I never thought that it could be so difficult to become a dealer. All this information you need to dig. And then there is a search for a broker you have to do. Please give advice. Apollofinances? What's up with them?

personWalsh Joseph 26.10.2021
What did you research if you do not believe that Apollofinances is currently one of the best brokers? Come on, you just have to be an internet troll, you are the best thing the market has to offer.

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