Cooperation and services: Apollofinances reviews from traders


Apollofinances scam
Apollofinances broker

Advantages and disadvantages in reviews and comments

The success of a trading strategy depends not only on the skills of the trader, but also on the chosen broker. In this review, we gathered opinions about Apollofinances broker. We were looking for them on Trustpilot and other similar sites, checking publications from the company's clients who have been working with it for 6 months or more.

According to our calculations, more feedback on the company's work is positive. At the same time, there are some neutral comments, which usually are continued in the thread - for example, the company is solving a technical issue. All these reviews create a picture of long-term and honest cooperation with a broker, which over the years of work has managed to create a good reputation for itself as a reliable partner.


Apollofinances reviews - basic information about the company

Prior to becoming a trading platform, the company provided one-on-one brokerage services to experienced investors. However, more and more players with medium and even small investment possibilities come to trading companies. Many of them enter the field with no experience. So the broker had no choice but to create a standalone solution for all types of investments.

Current package of account types is available in the Account Types section of the website (reviews confirm that traders evaluate it as convenient platform, with a clear interface and comprehensive information). There are four of account types, suitable for different starter investment sizes.

Apollofinances reviews on technical service and managers: opinions

The broker offers three options for entering the trading space: via a web platform, a terminal installed on desktop computer, or an application for a smartphone. Most often, customers choose a web platform and additionally install an application (to be in touch with the markets anytime, anywhere). Terminal will suit more those traders who have own office or at least prefer to trade on a daily basis, with comfort of the favorite chair and laptop. The broker uses encryption and security protocols, for even the most sophisticated web resources have a threat of a hacker attack. While downloading the terminal, most of the client data is stored offline in a cold storage.

Setting up access to the platform takes just a few minutes. However, you first need to register, verify account and pick up a tariff plan. reviews on mailing and informational support

After the account creation, you’re staring to get access to all the trading features and additional services, such as account manager and a personal analyst, trading tools and platform access, which are included to your account type package. You can start using them right away. reviews - support speed

In general, the technical support and customer support service are considered a strong point in cooperation with this broker. There are many reviews about a high-quality and responsive attitude while solving some difficulties working with the company's software. We didn’t find any mentions about cases of a technical failure (looks like company keeps the platform in a perfect condition).

There are reviews related to some difficulties in working with the broker's technical service. Let's check groups of such responses:

  • Withdrawal delays;
  • Verification problems.

All types of issues were subsequently resolved.

For clarity, consider these situations in more detail:

Withdrawal of funds: why there can be delayed?

In the situation described, the technical problem apparently did not arise on the broker's side, but happened due to client’s bank which delayed the transaction for 1 additional day. The issue was resolved positively and the client was satisfied, even while he had to contact the bank directly.

The standard procedure for withdrawing money follows same protocol as for many other companies: a request is created in your personal account and you can also duplicate it in an email to Support. Its execution can take a couple of hours on the broker’s side, however, broker cannot affect further money path and timing (depending on the selected withdrawal method and the bank).

Second issue was a verification case, quite an easy one. While entering his personal data, the client made a mistake in the house number. As a result, a non-existent address was provided, also different from utility bills that he provided for verification. That’s why his verification request was rejected. The issue was resolved only after the Christmas holidays, after a written request from the client and the connection of a security service specialist. To avoid such a situation, you must carefully re-read all the data submitted for verification by the company.

Thus, the technical service of the company works quickly even in controversial and difficult cases, resolving the issue in a matter of hours or days (where it can take weeks and months). Experienced traders appreciate this attitude from the support department:

Fred Campion, 48, London (UK), insurance broker:

“These are just golden guys, it is pleasant to communicate with Apollofinances and you can even joke. When my deal froze due to the fact that the computer did not begin to introduce updates on time, I could not even get upset properly - the technical service returned me to work in a matter of minutes. The deal went away, but a pleasant impression from such an attitude on the part of the broker remained. I recommend!".

Dorian Tates, 44, York (England), entrepreneur:

“I receive daily updates and market signals. It helps a lot to decide how to play on the moment, how to get out on time. I have an excellent manager, sometimes I am in touch with him around the clock. The work of Apollofinances is at its best, I recommend it to those who want to earn consistently and not take risks and lose. "

Anthony Goodman, 28 years old, Aberdeen (UK), coffee shop owner:

“I once had a problem with Apollofinances broker getting my money into a bank account. I transferred money to a deposit through a payment system, and decided to withdraw it to a card. Difficulties arose, the bank did not want to accept payment, it was required to prove the source. As a result, my money got stuck for two weeks. I was very angry and called both the broker's technical service and the bank every day. As a result, I almost brokeup cooperation with a brokerage company, but they gave me a bonus, and besides, all this time they regularly answered me what was the problem with the money. On reflection, I realized that the company behaved better than even my own bank. Since then, there have been no more problems with this broker for two years already ”.


Experienced traders are satisfied, and Apollofinances reviews are mostly positive. The company earned quite a respect and good reputation in the market, which leads to long-term cooperation with it for many clients.




There is always a storm in the financial market. As a beginner, I would be generally scared even to go into these dark waters. It seems that the market is already occupied by veterans, and there is simply no place for a beginner. However, thanks to this broker, I feel that I can save money for the future. Thanks for the very useful advice!

personDaniel Cummings21.04.2021
I do not know the market and trends. And I'm not sure if I need to study this in detail. For three months now I have only been making money with this broker. Not millions, of course. But I will soon be able to start accumulating. Now it is very important, look what is happening in the world!

I've been trading a live account here since August and yet to encounter any problems. Everything is really smooth, withdrawals are fast and support crew is professional and polite. I really like this and plan to continue our cooperation for at least several months more. No one knows though how things will go for the trading world in the closest future though, but I feel quite confident.

personDereck 28.04.2021
Low entry, great customers support and a lot of functional. Would recommend

personMack 04.05.2021
The only thing I dislike - too few ways to put money on your account. But there is no commissions. Maybe it depends on number of clients or their exchange agreement idk, either way you just have your spread paid and your trades working.

personMatias 12.05.2021
I am new here. Picked up this company basing only on reviews. Since last week I can admit, that all works fine and the personal is great.

personjohnny 18.05.2021
Now there is an opportunity to try yourself in the financial market. But in order to do this, knowledge and skills are required. The company teaches how to make money. I also got carried away with this. The knowledge gained was very useful. I like it.

personalbert 20.05.2021
The broker is good, it works very stable and there are practically no complaints about it. I have been working with him for 2 years now and I am satisfied with the results, moreover, I have mastered several income options for myself in one company and this cannot but rejoice. I want to emphasize that stability and good products play a role.

personNoah 27.05.2021
Now there are a lot of companies that call themselves brokers, they all offer very cool services, service and earning opportunities. Only in order to check how much they really fulfill their promises can only be done independently. To be honest, I got burned several times and I don't want to. I stopped at these guys. I was not disappointed. Therefore, I think you can work here and not waste time and money looking for something better.

personPeter Brown 04.06.2021
I’m quite pleased with my last month profits. It’s a good company if you’re looking for some additional income.

personBrandon Rice 04.06.2021
At first I wasn’t able to find much info on broker’s terms, so I had my doubts. But now it’s been a month since my registration and they turned out to be good enough.

personGerald Armstrong 06.06.2021
When market is so unstable, you need a reliable broker even more than usual. I’m happy I found this one, and I’m going to stay with them.

personMark Hall 19.06.2021
I’d like to tell about my cooperation with this broker. When I opened account 3 months ago, I couldn’t understand how terminal works. Spent a couple of days looking for information, but it was too complicated and I confused myself even more. Finally I had to call customer support and they explained everything in 5 minutes. So, they’ve got really professional employees, and everything else is also good enough.

personGary Haynes 25.06.2021
I got a call from them a couple of weeks ago, and deposited money soon afterwards. My manager very clearly and thoroughly explained to me all the technical details – it was pretty helpful.

personGerald Johnson 26.06.2021
I’ve been trading here for a few months, general impression is pretty good. Conditions are better than most I’ve seen before, and spreads are low.

personLucas Brice 01.07.2021
I will quickly talk about my experience with Apollofinances. I have never met in the internet some fabulously beautiful luring customers to this broker, no unrealistic promises and boasting of worldwide recognition, years of success and titles won. The company simply gives the opportunity to work and objectively evaluate its system to its true worth, based on the experience. Normal spreads, key currencies are even a bit lower when compared with overall market indicators. Static, which is convenient. Withdrawal of money without delay, I spent about an hour on everything, more often it's even faster. Sometimes you have to wait for a connection with support, hang on the line. Not particularly annoying, because the support is adequate, always ready to apologize for the wait and help with advice and support.

personJohnson Laurence 01.07.2021
was attracted to Apollofinances by an adequate attitude to the problems of the client, reasonable trading conditions and a clear determination to obtain a positive reputation in the market. I was lucky to call in support almost always the first time. Managers communicate respectfully, answer all questions patiently, provide maximum information, help to quickly understand. Low enough static spreads. There is no commission for money input, and funds are depositing at the current rate of the bank. The only bank percentage can there, there is no commission from the broker for withdrawal. On this positive background, I will say that there is not enough contests, as for me, this does not spoil the general impression of the broker, just a little boring without any tournaments.

personRandall Christopher 06.07.2021
I traded with BCS, until I compared spreads with competitors, I began to see clearly, I realized that it was too expensive. Decided to change the broker, relied on my currencies that I trade - USD and JPY. The figures below all came from Apollofinances. A bonus was the fact of static spreads, generally super. I work here with the terminal Meta Trader 4, and very happy about it, did not see an even more sane terminal. But this is my opinion. Delays and disconnects were not. Already wrote in support, I hope the organizers will listen and add packages, and the site itself will be updated more often.

personBrown Donald 11.07.2021
I have a silver package at Apollofinances. I have been trading here for 10 months. Of course I understood what conditions I am going to, the system was transparent, all expectations were met. The quotes are mid-market, static low spreads, there are no extra fees, only for spreads, for sure there is no input and output. Sensible analyst. Excellent technical support in my opinion, they tell, help, and I always dial the phone from the first or second time. For beginners, there will be a lack of demos, micro accounts and training webinars, see for yourself. I am satisfied with my package, but I already have a great experience.

personNorton Ira 20.07.2021
This is not the first offshore broker in my life. If you have clearly decided to work with such a company, choose thoughtfully and very carefully. You can get to the one where transactions are scrolled through the server without entering the outer market. I have no complaints or questions to Apollofinances, only offers. Input and withdrawn funds without problems, did it repeatedly. Fixed spreads, under very favorable terms. I do not know about all currencies, I mainly judge by AUD and NZD. To temporary disadvantages I bring in the lack of online support, I just don’t like to waste time dialing, it’s easier for me to write than to call. I hope this proposal will be considered and the situation will improve.

personEdwards Mark 23.07.2021
Dynamic spreads of my past broker often climbed beyond the originally established boundaries. And for no apparent reason. I called in support, was indignant, in response I heard some illogical bam-bam-bam. Spat and brought out the money, opened an account at Apollofinances on the advice of a good friend. Chalk and cheese! Static spreads are often even lower than in the market. Excellent conditions for scalping on small transactions. There is no interest on the input and output of money, except for the possible banking. Overall, completely satisfied.

personFoster Buck 01.08.2021
I guess I’m just one of those guys who can not get a grasp of all this forex stuff, but it seems like a legit way to earn some money, so I might try broker’s help. Might just be Apollo Finances.

personHenderson Thomas 02.08.2021
Got a call from Apollo Finances recently, wasn’t in the mood sooo might’ve been a little rude with the guy. He didn’t deserve it at all, man was quite polite.

personMcCormick Alexander 04.08.2021
Was thinking about joining Apollo Finances, but still remain indecisive cause there are alternatives. Pls tell more about them.

personArmstrong Homer 07.08.2021
I worked with Apollo Finances for some time, if you want to know. To be honest — nothing special. Kinda decent, kinda useful, kinda comfortable, but you can get the same level of service anywhere on the market.

personReed Darcy 18.08.2021
I’m kinda new to forex, but already can say that there are several decent broker options available and Apollo Finances is one of them. I’m not sure about their distinct advantages, but they are nice.

personHopkins Adrian 27.08.2021
Apollo Finances didn’t make me like Hollywood superstar level rich, but the profit is still really decent, so I’m all in favor of these guys.

personMerritt Brian 06.09.2021
I came here for spreads and will stay here thanks to spreads and everything else. This broker is simply wonderful ... I'm almost in love with my account manager because he helps me to earn more and more

personPearson Ethan 15.09.2021
The spreads are always less than elsewhere. This broker tries not to change the main advantage.

personParker Shawn 17.09.2021
It's very, very bad if your previous broker has only "helped" lose money! .. Change it urgently. Look, dealers already have a lot of positive experience on this page ...

personCarter Clarence 18.09.2021
I have a very negative experience with other brokers. I also turned myself suspicious of this company. But everything proved to be honest and productive. thank you guys

personBlake Junior 20.09.2021
Welcome to our friendly company! We enjoy low spreads and good service every day. If you stay with this broker, you will quickly get used to good things.

personCarroll John 27.09.2021
All brokers should not be considered as a scalter. Everything is fair on this platform, try it out and convince yourself. I am here for 7 months. I see great progress in my trade.

personSims Chad 01.10.2021
A little about my experiences with this company ... These three months were just fantastic. Of course, I did not get anything extraordinary, it was just really solid and profitable. I wonder why this broker has not much more positive reviews ... It's a pity because you can definitely earn a lot through the collaboration with you.

personPowers Jason 04.10.2021
I have only been working for 3 months with Apollofinances and how you can imagine my experiences with you are really limited. After all I've seen, I think that they are really solid and it's a pity that I could not further investigate their options. They looked promising.

personWillis Steven 08.10.2021
Sure, I know that Apollofinances is a solid broker, but you can be an important step on your way to a competent trader. Therefore, I do not see any reasons not to try them.

personBaker Kenneth 17.10.2021
I have a lot of experience with all kinds of brokers, but Apollofinances is simply not included in this list. I do not really know why, it's just that you do not apply as often as others, and maybe it's a good thing

personCampbell Charles 21.10.2021
Apollofinances completes the job. That's pretty much everything. You will not make you a millionaire overnight, you are only serious and stable brokers.

personMcGee Edward 24.10.2021
But still, I always like this company. I was never a person who has invested too much money in online activities, but they managed to change my mind, and now I see how profitable the trade can be when they have a real broker at their side.

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