Webmoney Debt: profitably borrow funds at interest online.


Webmoney is one of the few online services that allows you to independently and fairly transparently participate in the microloan system. In this article, I propose together to figure out how to become a lender using this service.


First you need to have a Webmoney wallet in one of the three currencies WMR, WMU, WMZ, it is best to get a WMZ dollar wallet, because on the loan exchange offers in this currency are the most popular.


It should be noted that to participate in the WebMoney Debt system you need a certificate no lower than a personal level, which is issued only after checking the passport data. Well, of course, it is necessary that you have money in your wallet.


Further, it all depends on you, your circle of acquaintances and your requirements, in fact there are three options:

We lend to a person known to us.

We lend to any user selected by the system.

We create our own application for the issuance of funds.


If we are talking about the first option, then everything is as simple as possible - you and the borrower stipulate the terms of the loan, the repayment terms and indicate all this in the "trust limit". Actually adding to the "limit of trust" (tab "I trust") allows the borrower to take your funds within a certain amount, but he chooses the exact amount and term.


If you just want to give out a loan, while you have no proxies, you can try to find a borrower using the system. The system itself will choose the offers of borrowers that suit you, you just have to choose.


There is a third option - apply for the issuance of funds on your own terms and wait for someone to respond to it. To do this, go to the tab "Offers" -> "Take a loan" scroll down and find the button "Add a new application."


When there is someone who wants to take money from you, he will contact you so that you open the necessary trust limit.


System Features


Now that we’ve sorted out the technical part, it’s worth a little talk about the features. It should be noted right away that, in essence, the whole system works on the principle of “took it, gave it away,” that is, it’s like borrowing a neighbor, if you don’t give it back, then you will run and persuade, and therefore it is worth choosing borrowers more carefully.

The first thing you should pay attention to is that the borrower has a certificate. And here the principle "the higher the certificate, the better."

The second is the level of trust of the participants in the system (TL). In fact, the larger the index, the more participants of the service trust this user, since it depends on open credit lines, loan amount taken, loan amount available, etc.

Third, the business layer (BL). In a way, this is an indicator of solvency, and the higher this level, the better.

All these characteristics of the borrower can be found in his profile.


What to do if you have not returned the debt?


Well, initially it’s worth immediately blacklisting such users.

In principle, you can try to sell the debt through the DebtMart obligation exchange, but it is clear that the cost of such a debt will be several times lower than the debt itself.



It should be noted that Webmoney as a whole will be on your side, and as soon as the borrower stops paying, he will immediately cut all the wallets and the proceeds will be automatically transferred to your account as repayment of the debt.


And in general, obligations arising through this service are equal to receipts, and therefore you can try to translate the conversation into legislative channels, that is, file a lawsuit against the debtor, but for this you will have to contact Webmoney to send you all the necessary documentation.

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