Nordhill Capital what brokers usually offer for Poland


Nordhill Capital is a money management fund that provides the same set of Forex intermediary services that brokers usually provide for Poland.

Start of work on the market - 2013

Declared headquarters location - Riga, Latvia

Financial Regulator - FINMA, Switzerland

Terms of cooperation and customer service options *

Broker proposal

The rating that the broker deserved for this item (reviews, comments, statements) **

Trading instruments

Currency pairs, stock CFDs, options, precious metals


Minimal deposit









Minimal lot







• Bank cards and transfers;

• WebMoney.



  • Bank cards and transfers;
  • WebMoney.


Support service



Automatic trade






Information and analytical materials



Contests and promotion



Trading platform

MetaTrader4, Hyper FX, Gorilla FX, Hybrid FX



• Trust management;

• investment programs;

• partnership with reliable banks;

• intermediation of regulated brokers.


* The parameters that are most often used by brokers for Russia are selected.

** The data used is available in open sources of information - estimates received by the Forex broker (reviews, messages, comments, etc.). The legend “+” is more positive, “-” is more negative, “0” is neutral or small, “+/-” is contradictory.


Given that the format of cooperation with the fund differs from what brokers usually offer for Poland, the opinion of the company is rather heterogeneous. At the same time, positive statements prevail in the total mass of judgments. Traders approve of the existence of a significant financial regulator capable of giving guarantees against a fraud and a scam, although they are not very happy that it does not coincide with the place of registration of the company. Doubts are caused by the short life span of the company in the market, it will give rise to discussions on the topic "are the fund not scammers?"

Overall assessment of trading conditions by customers

Assessment of the trading conditions of the fund varies depending on the author. Some of them consider the minimum deposit level, which is higher than brokers often offer for Russia, too high. The broker received positive reviews for the variability in choosing a trading platform and spread. The presence of a commission, which is included in the conditions of cooperation Forex broker, negative reviews. The size of leverage and the minimum lot of controversy did not cause.

Evaluation by traders of the quality of service

Russian traders evaluated the quality of service from a broker from various points of view. The presence of trust management and the possibility of automatic trading, which provides a broker, the reviews deserved undoubtedly positive. Opinions on the quality of support services were divided. Some traders believed that her work was up to standard, while others blamed delays in resolving important issues, sometimes claiming that the fund was scammers. Thus, the opinion about the quality of the support service provided by the Forex broker (reviews, discussions on forums, comments on sites) is contradictory.

Assessment of honesty and completeness of input and output of cash

The assessment of honesty and transparency of mutual settlements also varies. Some traders blame the fund for fraud and scam. Others leave about mutual settlements that the broker makes, reviews are exclusively positive. The methods of depositing and withdrawing funds from the account that the Forex broker offers, the reviews have caused no less controversial. Some authors consider the set of means of payment sufficient, while others would like to see more payment systems in it.

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